I'm nearing the halfway point of this challenge and I've actually kept up with it and am generating plenty of future painting ideas along the way, however right now it is cutting into the painting time a bit but I think it's worth it.
Day 12 - Country Driveway - Daily Sketch Challenge May 2020 |
This sketch is based on a photograph I took a few years ago in West Mountain, Utah. It's interesting how many towns you discover that you never knew existed while exploring rural areas. The photo was actually taken in autumn, I decided to give the trees summer color. Also in the reference there wasn't so much open field in the background. That shed at the end of the driveway is awfully small, I wonder what they use it for. I've attempted to make a painting based on this before and essentially failed. With the composition adjustments I made in this sketch I think I might give it a try again some day since the sketch seems to work pretty well.
Day 13 - Two Granaries - Daily Sketch Challenge May 2020 |
I took to the pencils for day 13. I think graphite is especially effective for rendering rustic rural scenes like this one. What is interesting about this scene is what you are seeing here is two very different types of granaries. How do I know the wood structure is a granary? Because the studs are on the outside of the wall. To make it easier to clean out all the grain, old style wood granaries were paneled from the inside so there were no obstructions getting in the way of the shovels to clear out the grain. The granary behind is a "newer" style corrugated metal pre fab type. I found this little scene in Hennefer, Utah.
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